We can always benefit from some good thoughts. I’m sharing some with you, and hope you find them helpful.
“When things aren’t going exactly to plan, pause (the key is to pause!) and ask yourself ‘How can I reframe this situation in a more optimistic, more useful, more powerful way?’ This question can change your world.” — Glenn Gow
Here’s a summary of some powerful sources of information I have incorporated into my work.
THE MINDFUL ATHLETE by George Mumford (book)
This could have been entitled “The Mindful CEO”. High performers of all types can benefit from the wisdom shared in this book. We train our bodies. We train our intellects. We need to train our minds as well.
Michael Jordan credits George Mumford with transforming his on-court leadership of the Bulls, helping Jordan lead the team to six NBA championships. You can learn how to be a better leader by reading what George has to say.
THE ART OF HAPPINESS with Arthur Brooks (podcast)
One of the reasons some people on your team have suffered during WFH is that they are missing oxytocin. Oxytocin is a feel-good chemical produced when we shake hands or hug someone. Human touch can help produce it. Our bodies crave it, and most of us are missing it right now.
This podcast gives you perspectives and tips (like the one above) that can help you be happy in any situation. After all, that’s why we do what we do – isn’t it? We want to achieve happiness. Listen to learn how.
OK. I’m breaking with tradition with this recommendation. This is not good news. However, this book is so important, and so well-written that I need to share this with you. Imagine a world where the US cannot go to war with Russia because Russia can take down the entire US power grid and hold us hostage whenever they’d like to. That is the current world we live in.
The implications of our cyberwar are so profound that no one can ignore them – not even you. The US is at war and it’s unclear if we’re winning or not.
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- If you have Some Good Thoughts to share with me, send them my way!
Contact CEO Coach Glenn Gow Today!
My name is Glenn Gow, the Peak Performance CEO Coach. I love coaching CEOs and want to help make you an even better CEO. Let’s decide if we are a fit for each other. Schedule a time to talk with me at calendly.com/glenngow. I look forward to speaking with you soon.