What is Executive Coaching?

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CEOs often feel overwhelmed and behind in getting everything done and getting it done well. That’s where executive coaching comes in.

Executive coaching helps a CEO to identify and achieve their goals, both professional and personal. Through regular check-ins, goal setting, and feedback, the coach will help the CEO stay on track and achieve the highest levels of performance.

Executive coaching can be an invaluable tool for any CEO who wants to optimize their performance. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or know that you could perform at a higher level, executive coaching is probably right for you.

When to Find an Executive Coach

A coach will be a great asset to any CEO, helping them to refine their skills and knowledge, set and achieve goals, and navigate challenges. When is the best time to find a coach?

There are a few key indicators that it may be time to find an executive or CEO coach.

First, if you’re feeling stuck, and not growing, a coach will  identify where you need improvement and develop a plan for success. They will help you become self-aware and more interested in making changes to improve your performance.

Second, if you’re recently promoted to CEO or starting a new business, a coach will provide a framework for CEO success. It’s lonely at the top, and you’ll need what a coach has to offer.

Finally, if you’re looking for someone to hold you accountable and keep you on track, a coach will make sure you’re doing what you’ve committed to. Instead of being overwhelmed with everything you need to do, a coach will help you get the most important things done, and delegate or de-prioritize the rest.

Regardless of how good you are today, a coach will enable to become even better.

How to Know if You Need an Executive Coach

Do you need a coach when you view yourself as already successful? Even the most successful people in the world have coaches. Why? Because a coach can help you see things that you can’t see. They will point out your blind spots.

A coach will act as a sounding board, identify areas for personal improvement and develop a plan for taking your performance to the next level.

When you’re consider a coach, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I feel like I’m stuck, and not growing the way I’d like to?
  • Do I keep making the same mistakes, and not learning from them?
  • Do I procrastinate or avoid certain tasks?
  • Do I have trouble delegating or managing others?
  • Do I get defensive when receiving feedback?
  • Do I struggle to get my team to perform at their best so I can fully delegate to them?
  • Do I worry about burning myself out?

Are you interested in addressing any issues on this list? Don’t wait until things are falling apart to seek a way to improve. You want to be continually improving.

A coach provides support and guidance when things are going well, and they will be a lifeline when things get tough.

How Executive Coaching Can Benefit You

As companies seek to improve the performance of their leaders, executive coaching has proven effective. Three key benefits you will get are improved communication, greater self-awareness, and better decision-making.

Improved communication: In order to be an effective leader, it is essential to ensure that your communications create clear understanding and alignment. Executive coaching can help leaders hone their communication skills, whether it is giving a presentation to the board or simply having a difficult conversation with a direct report.

Greater self-awareness: the most successful leaders are those who have a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Executive coaching will help leaders gain greater insight into themselves, which will lead to greater effectiveness as a leader.

Better decision-making: Leaders must constantly make decisions that will affect not only themselves but also their teams and organizations. Executive coaching will help leaders develop the critical thinking skills needed to make sound decisions in challenging situations.

Take Their Word for It

My CEOs have become better CEOs as a result of my coaching. Here’s what some of them have accomplished:

Raising Money

Janice was worried about her job. We reframed her relationship with the board to enable her to raise well over $100M.

Scaling Your Company

Meilin was focused on scaling her company’s growth. We worked together to develop corporate values that enabled her to instill her beliefs into every member of the team. Meilin’s company is now growing by over 100%.

Dealing with Overwhelm

Sean had no work-life balance. He constantly felt overwhelmed. Together, we built a world-class management team and delegated to this team. Now, his company has entered a new growth phase and he has time for himself and his family.

A Direct Report who is a Real Challenge to Manage

Viraj had a high-performing leader who was toxic to the rest of the organization. Even though this person was adding tremendous value within their function, they were bringing others down. We worked to remove this person. The company thrived after this move.

Achieving Product-Market Fit

Olivia struggled to achieve fit for the product she had built. We stepped back to refine both the target market and the whole product being delivered. Now, she’s focused on going to market, and the company is growing again.

Managing Your Board of Directors

Wilson was a founder CEO who suddenly found himself as a minority shareholder. The board was intimidating to him. We reframed Wilson’s relationship with the board so they could add more value for him and the company. Now the board is helping out in ways Wilson never imagined.

Crisis Management

Darius lost his head of sales and almost panicked. This person was quite valuable, and Darius didn’t know what to do. We quickly put together a plan to address the loss of this key individual. Once Darius got out of panic mode, he became the highly effective CEO the company needed him to be.

Executive coaching is a powerful tool for leaders who are looking to unlock their full potential. By improving communication, gaining greater self-awareness, and honing decision-making skills, executive coaching will help leaders take their organizations to the next level.

Investing in executive coaching is an investment in your leadership growth – one that will pay off both personally and professionally. It’s time to invest in yourself as a leader. Talk to a coach now.

Contact an Experienced CEO Coach Today

My name is Glenn Gow, CEO Coach. I love coaching CEOs and want to help make you an even better CEO. Let’s decide if we are a fit for each other. Schedule a time to talk with me at calendly.com/glenngow. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

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